Celebrate Iris
Celebrating Iris Sunshine's 30 Years of Legal Practice, 10 Years at CLC
From her first day of class at Wake Law to today, Iris has been a tireless advocate for justice, especially for children. We're thrilled to celebrate this landmark year in her lawyering life with a few special occasions, starting with being sworn into the Bar of the United States Supreme Court.
Led by former CLC board member Dean Suzanne Reynolds, Iris, staff attorney Meredith Hamsher, and an enthusiastic group of Wake Forest School of Law alumni traveled to Washington for a day they will never forget. Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg stopped in after the morning session to extend their warm congratulations.
CLC thanks the Wake Law staff for their excellent planning and hospitality, and for our long partnership helping law students to become practice-ready through the Child Advocacy Clinic and game-changing research.
Enjoy our photo album from the Supreme Court trip, and watch for more news about Iris's anniversary year this spring.