CLC Joins the Return of the Mission Fair at Highland Presbyterian Church
CLC Education Advocacy Program Director, Hayley Lampkin Blyth with Highland Presbyterian Church members Dawn Nelson, CLC Board Member, and Jim Gallaher, CLC Staff Attorney.
The Children’s Law Center (CLC), along with 21 other local non-profit organizations, participated in the return of the Highland Presbyterian Church Mission Fair on Sunday, March 26th in Winston-Salem. During the fair church members visited with us to learn more about our work and how they can support the CLC as volunteers.
The CLC provides a voice for vulnerable children in court proceedings. We advocate for their best interests, including safe placement and counseling in Chapter 50B - Domestic Violence cases and Chapter 50 - High Conflict Custody cases. CLC staff and volunteer attorneys serve as Guardians ad Litem (GAL) on appointment by the District Court Judge in Forsyth and Guilford County.
The GAL is responsible for investigating all aspects of the case. They are granted authority by the court to do what it takes to see that a child is not ignored, their best interests and critical needs are addressed, and that the presiding judge is able to understand the facts of a child’s circumstance. Every child deserves their say in court.
Research has shown that children who are exposed to violence within the home have much higher incidences of aggressive and oppositional behaviors than their peers from nonviolent homes. Exposure to domestic violence during childhood correlates to problems throughout adulthood including higher levels of depression, increased tolerance for violence in adult relationships, substance abuse, negative health outcomes, and poor conflict resolution skills.
We are grateful to Highland Presbyterian Church, a supportive partner for many years, for the opportunity to be a part of the Mission Fair and share our story with its members.